Saturday, March 17

A trader's journey

Like Linda Raschke, Sam Seiden, and Shoot of, Dave Landry was also a major influence in the development of my trading methodology. I got introduced to Dave through his two books pictured below.

His methodology is simple but not simpler meaning there are nuances you need to learn which will take you years of study and market participation before it will become clear to you of course there are exemptions and if you're one of them lucky you.

The simple fact is that EVERYTHING BOILS DOWN TO YOU, your mentor can only guide you and show you the ropes but ultimately its you that must truly understand the concept of anything whether its trading or any other career for that matter without being rigid but rather capable of internalizing and understanding the essence of its whole. In my trading I call this the “what is”.

Here is a free webinar of Dave where he details his trading methodology. I hope as you watch you'll learn something that will further improve your trading skills.

Description from youtube:

Dave shows how many successful traders take the same exact journey. They start with a simple method but slowly make it more complex. They search for the perfect indicators, thinking that if they work hard enough, they'll find them. Unfortunately, it becomes so complex that they lose sight of basics. The true enlightenment comes when they return back where they started. They come to the realization that what they were looking for was right in front of them all along. They realize that although not perfect, simple methods can work quite well.

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