Sunday, January 15

From LBR's Trading Manual

Hello fellow traders,
Below is another must read subject taken from Technical Trading Manual by Linda B. Raschke. This 134 page PDF manual is available for download at LBRGroup or at Future Path Trading.

All people are unique with different giftsYet, with a positive mental attitude, and a belief that you are just as capable of succeeding as anyone else, you will have a foundation to build upon. 

Let me tell you a story I found interesting: 

There were these two eggs that were soon to come alive. They were discussing what they wanted to be in life. The one egg says to the other, “I would like to be like an oyster. An oyster only has to lie at the bottom of the ocean and just lets the water move him about. I will eat the food that comes between my shells as the water moves past me. I will eat only what the water passes by me, no more and no less. I will go where the water moves me. As an oyster, I won’t have to do anything at all.” 

The other egg said, “That’s not the life for me. I want to be an eagle. Sure, I will have to hunt for my food. But I will be able to go where I want to go. Sure, life as an eagle will be harder, but I will be able to soar above the mountains or into the valleys below. I will control where I will go, not be controlled. Yes, it will be harder to be an eagle, yet I will be free to choose where I will go.” 

This is exactly what life is all about, and also trading. The water is like the masses of traders who inevitably lose. Instead of choosing a direction for themselves in the direction in which to travel, they let the masses do the choosing for them. The results are usually disastrous and they soon drop out of the race. I suggest making a daily affirmation. 

This technique has shown great results for many people. Each day, on a clean sheet of paper, write the following line 20 times. Do this each morning for 21 days. Your determination to succeed will improve daily. It is up to you to stick to this for 21 days to be effective. 

This is the affirmation: 
“All my thoughts and actions draw success towards me more and more each day.” 

In almost any worthwhile endeavor, it takes climbing some major obstacles to get there. Too many people actually quit right when they are on the 1-yard line! Don’t let this be you. Believe in yourself, as you are just as capable as anyone else who has succeeded before you. If you hear yourself saying to yourself, “I can’t do this”, it will take at least three positive affirmations to correct these negative thoughts. 

Positive thinking has allowed many to rise from the ashes of mediocrity to the height of greatnessStep out of your bubble and do something you might have been afraid to do before, no matter how small. Small steps will eventually get you to the finish line. Time is not relevant if you start now. You WILL finish. Be determined to do so regardless. 

Avoid those who talk the negative talk, as they have given up and do not wish for anyone around them to be successful. Surround yourself with positive people, people motivated to improve, always encouraging you to continue your dream, your goals. As the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Bad associations spoil useful habits.” This fact is as ancient as man! 

Keep yourself deep in positive material; avoid the negative of the newspapers. Read more entrepreneurial material such as Success magazine and other encouraging press. What you feed your mind is what will motor your mind and actions. Make sure you feed it the food of positive thinking. Be determined to succeed in your dreams to be a successful trader, no matter how long it takes. 

Be like the eagle. You are in control. Fly the heights in whichever direction you choose. It doesn't matter, as long as you are the one making the choices. Be determined to succeed. Have the positive attitude that you will succeed. 


© Copyright 1998 – 2012 Linda Raschke and LBRGroup, Inc.

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