Wednesday, September 29

"The Forgotten Man" a painting by Jon McNoughton

A highly talented visual artist who is not afraid to express his feelings and emotions to what is going on in our society. Any thoughts?


  1. As I looked over your painting, I started to cry. I felt betrayed by so many presidents from our past. I observed the many expressions on each of face and their body language. One face seem to stand out the most for me and that was the expression on George Washington's face. The look within his eyes....that of pure disgust!
    Thank you Jon, and God Bless the Republic!

  2. I'm not sure what you intend here by having Barak Obama with his foot on the US Constitution, while George W. Bush looks on in grave concern. Granted, I think Obama administration policies concerning use of drones is directly unconstitutional, and policies against net-neutrality and continued tightening of government secrecy and heightened prosecution of government whistle-blowers may also well be unconstitutional, and in any case are direct contradictions of expressed promises he made earlier about what an Obama administration would be like. But the absolutely incontrovertible stomping on the US Constitution was done during the Bush/Cheney administration, who used the tragedy of 9/11 to implement a whole string of policies (all of which were planned long before 9/11) that simply made a mockery of the 1st, 4th and 5th Amendments, and included aggressive attack against a former ally who had not attacked the USA, and resulted in the complete and ongoing devastation of that once-viable (though certainly problematic) nation. In addition, the Bush/Cheney administration continued and greatly accelerated the Clinton/Gore policies that greatly enhance the power and control of our government on all levels by the interests of large international corporations rather than those of the American people as a whole. I strongly respect the Restorationist ideal which is, I assume, the thematic intent of this painting. But I cannot remain silent in face of the abjectly partisan misreading of the contemporary situation communicated in the paintings actual content.
